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About me

FEB-18, 1989 | Hello World!!
Gregorio Benatti

"I play games because it calms my mind. I create games because it calms my soul..." --Indie Game Developer.

Hello, my name is Gregorio! I'm an Indie Game Developer working as a Programmer @ Cornfox & Brothers. I like to learn new technologies, test/prototype ideas and create some fun games.

Currently I am working with Unreal Engine, C++, GIT, Perforce and GBA Dev/Tools. I like to keep an eye on Godot Engine news and I worked with Unity/C#, Lua, Python, Git, Jenkins, native mobile (iOS & Andriod) before.

Previous workplaces: Seriously, Crytek, Critical Force, Aquiris Game Studio, Tapps Games. Checkout what they are doing!!

Email me at gregorio (at) gregoriobenatti (dot) com.